Hyperion Intergrative Health is a rejuvenating experience at our naturopathic medical clinic with alternative cancer treatments, integrated health therapies, functional medicine, cancer clinic on Salt Spring Island, Canada.

Corporate Wellbeing

Where people meet potential

The corporate culture is one of the biggest competitive advantages of humanized companies. Create an enterprise that enriches those around you and validate your investment.
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We often don’t behave like it’s true, but when push comes to shove, "we sh*t where we eat”.

Do you see employees reactive, cope, shut down, stone-wall, or walk away when stressed?

This behaviour protects them as an individual, but at the cost of the organization as a whole.

The result is a company culture that tolerates dangerous forms of burnout, and settles with mundane ones like dis-ease, cynicism, anxiety, and frustration.

But what do burned-out employees look for? Wellbeing. Some form of resilience-making as they search for a frame from which to operate that explains where they are at and more importantly how to change it.

Hyperion Intergrative Health is a rejuvenating experience at our naturopathic medical clinic with alternative cancer treatments, integrated health therapies, functional medicine, cancer clinic on Salt Spring Island, Canada.


$34000 is what employee disengagement costs to an organization for every $100,000 in annual salary


75% of employees experience burnout; are 2.6x as likely to be seeking a New job and 63% more likely to take a sick day.
Hyperion Intergrative Health is a rejuvenating experience at our naturopathic medical clinic with alternative cancer treatments, integrated health therapies, functional medicine, cancer clinic on Salt Spring Island, Canada.

Organizational resilience

Leaders understand that their physical, mental and emotional wellness has a direct impact on their performance and fulfillment in life. Backed by neuroscience and a employee-centred design, I facilitate self-awareness and agency, offering proven lessons for increasing employee viability, engagement during adversity and eNPS.

With a decade of experience, I bridge the gap between performance and resiliency while integrating well-being and mindfulness into the culture of your organization. I ensure successful delivery of my services by co-creating a stakeholder roadmap that defines objectives and translates outcomes.

Support your employees to develop character defining traits where challenges inspire a level of curiosity, resilience and a rising up to tasks cohesively that goes well beyond a rally cry.

resilient teams

67% Lower turnover
10x Fewer sick days
202% Improved performance.


businesses with engaging employee well-being programs significantly outperform companies listed on the S&P 500 index by up to 228%.
Hyperion Intergrative Health is a rejuvenating experience at our naturopathic medical clinic with alternative cancer treatments, integrated health therapies, functional medicine, cancer clinic on Salt Spring Island, Canada.
Hyperion Intergrative Health is a rejuvenating experience at our naturopathic medical clinic with alternative cancer treatments, integrated health therapies, functional medicine, cancer clinic on Salt Spring Island, Canada.

Leadership Coaching

Your entire life is about building a stable relationship with your ego. Cultivate a deeper awareness of your fears and develop an authority on who you are and how you show up in life.

Sleep Hygiene
Lifestyle Strategies
Nutritional Tips
Hyperion Intergrative Health is a rejuvenating experience at our naturopathic medical clinic with alternative cancer treatments, integrated health therapies, functional medicine, cancer clinic on Salt Spring Island, Canada.

Shadow Work

The shadow is the unknown side of you. Our intention of working with the shadow is to help you uncover self-sabotaging behaviour and cultivate a connection to your ability to lead yourself.T

Mindfulness Tools
Positive Psychology
Personal Development
Hyperion Intergrative Health is a rejuvenating experience at our naturopathic medical clinic with alternative cancer treatments, integrated health therapies, functional medicine, cancer clinic on Salt Spring Island, Canada.

Self Regulation

Develop a resilient nervous systems in the face of overwhelm. To trust your body, and have your body trust you. Feel safe within yourself to engage with life directly and dare to take risks.

Breathwork Practices
Guided Meditation
Polyvagal Exercises

Remote Work.
A culture of loneliness

Hyperion Intergrative Health is a rejuvenating experience at our naturopathic medical clinic with alternative cancer treatments, integrated health therapies, functional medicine, cancer clinic on Salt Spring Island, Canada.

Although remote working has generally been proven to improve work-life balance and happiness, research consistently shows isolation is one of its biggest drawbacks. It has become a breeding ground for those who are hurt, lonely and burnt out.

According to the National Institute on Aging the health risks of prolonged isolation are equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day.

Remote Workers don't need just another wellness plan, they need connection.

For employers, strengthening connection between remote team members reduces turnover, improves team collaboration and enhances wellbeing.  

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You don’t have a monopoly for very long on talent; the one thing that is unique to you is how you choose to come together as a group. My services set the tone in creating an empowering community and supportive environment: one that is inclusive, collaborative, and constructive in inspiring teams in meaningful ways.

That in itself is an invitation in reconstructing a positive model of company culture that makes room for the many different ways employees may feel empowered and deliver impact at scale. From an operational standpoint - it promotes constructive conflict which mitigates toxic dynamics and contributes to a positive productive wellbeing within a workplace culture. Teams can effectively address challenges and generate innovative solutions by creating a safe and supportive environment where employees feel comfortable sharing their diverse perspectives and engaging in fruitful debate.

The trick with any kind of knowledge or information I impart to an organization is that it will never become wisdom until it has passed through the heart - not just the mind. Wellbeing as a value is shared by organizations who demonstrate this value in their policies and company culture.

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Hyperion Intergrative Health is a rejuvenating experience at our naturopathic medical clinic with alternative cancer treatments, integrated health therapies, functional medicine, cancer clinic on Salt Spring Island, Canada.