Hyperion Intergrative Health is a rejuvenating experience at our naturopathic medical clinic with alternative cancer treatments, integrated health therapies, functional medicine, cancer clinic on Salt Spring Island, Canada.

A Man's Path to Wholeness

Victoria, Vancouver, Kelowna - June 13, 14, 15

Men spend their lives working around their identity when they are meant to work through it.Every man has the capacity to be consistent in thought and action, like a good knot: a strong uniting force again and again.

But this happens only if each man rises to the occasion and keeps his direction in mind. Too often, the man aims for one and forgets the other. Join us this evening in exploring the journey of Men's health with Dr. Rigobert Kefferputz. A man’s health can be expressed in in numerable ways over the span of his development. This event will share insights on how practitioners may be able to support their male patients.