Hyperion Intergrative Health is a rejuvenating experience at our naturopathic medical clinic with alternative cancer treatments, integrated health therapies, functional medicine, cancer clinic on Salt Spring Island, Canada.
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Hyperion Intergrative Health is a rejuvenating experience at our naturopathic medical clinic with alternative cancer treatments, integrated health therapies, functional medicine, cancer clinic on Salt Spring Island, Canada.



ENERGY READER, Tarotista & Astrologer
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Caroline was born in the Netherlands, raised her children in Germany and emigrated with her family to Canada. She is a certified Tarotista, Astrologer and creator of the Body Mirror – Map of Consciousness, as. She also has been an Energy reader for over 25 years.

Caroline is vegetarian and has cooked all of her life. When you don't see her drinking coffee with Thomas, she is probably beating someone in a competitive word game.